Halachic Overview of Dementia Care for Beginners


Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner discusses issues in managing the costs of caregiving, understanding the halachic status of a person with dementia, and deciding whether to put someone into a facility.

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What's the Line between Respecting and Caring?

YESHIVA.ORG.IL: Rav Baruch Kitay

Dear Rabbi,
My father has medium stage dementia. He has good days and bad days. Where do I draw the line between respecting him and interfering in his life?
  • Do I respect him by not saying anything or should I tell him he hasn’t got a good smell?
  • Should my father be corrected when he makes mistakes in Kiddush or Benching?
  • Should I tell him he is not capable to go abroad for Rosh Hashana, but should come to me instead?
  • And what should I tell my children about their grandfathers behaviour?

Honoring Your Parent with Dementia


When a parent has dementia, there are so many dilemmas that a frum person must face regarding kibud av v'em. Here is a wonderful shiur by Rav Shai Finkelstein that sheds some light on the matter.