This talk, "Honoring Elderly Parents: A Medical and Halachic Discussion", was given at on Ou event in LA by Rabbi Dr. Zev Wiener. Rabbi Wiener received his Semicha from Yeshiva University under the instruction of Rabbi Yonason Sacks and an M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School. He has previously served as Rabbinic Scholar at the Young Israel of Brookline, MA and Chief Resident of the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA. He presently works as a staff psychiatrist at Ronald Regan UCLA Medical Center and runs a private psychiatry practice.
His talk on Dementia and Kibud Av Va”Em is part of the recent Torah LA program run by the OU. (44 Minutes)
Torah Tools for Dementia
Torah Tools for Caregivers, Professionals and People Living with a Dementia such as Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's Q&A with Rav Shlomo Aviner
Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim's Rosh Yeshiva, Ha-Rav Shlomo Aviner Shlit"a, gives some short answers to big questions on dementia care.
Halachic Overview of Dementia Care for Beginners
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner discusses issues in managing the costs of caregiving, understanding the halachic status of a person with dementia, and deciding whether to put someone into a facility.
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Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner discusses issues in managing the costs of caregiving, understanding the halachic status of a person with dementia, and deciding whether to put someone into a facility.
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What's the Line between Respecting and Caring?
YESHIVA.ORG.IL: Rav Baruch Kitay
Dear Rabbi,
My father has medium stage dementia. He has good days and bad days. Where do I draw the line between respecting him and interfering in his life?
Dear Rabbi,
My father has medium stage dementia. He has good days and bad days. Where do I draw the line between respecting him and interfering in his life?
- Do I respect him by not saying anything or should I tell him he hasn’t got a good smell?
- Should my father be corrected when he makes mistakes in Kiddush or Benching?
- Should I tell him he is not capable to go abroad for Rosh Hashana, but should come to me instead?
- And what should I tell my children about their grandfathers behaviour?
Honoring Your Parent with Dementia
When a parent has dementia, there are so many dilemmas that a frum person must face regarding kibud av v'em. Here is a wonderful shiur by Rav Shai Finkelstein that sheds some light on the matter.
When a parent has dementia, there are so many dilemmas that a frum person must face regarding kibud av v'em. Here is a wonderful shiur by Rav Shai Finkelstein that sheds some light on the matter.
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